Showing posts with label Kristine Blackport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kristine Blackport. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


directed by  James Seale (2007)

Juncture is a noirish revenge flick with a pretty good ending that leaves an opening for sequels, or just for imaginating what happens next.  It's satisfying on a bloodthirsty level, but it's a real B flick, not terrible, but not super compelling either.  It's something that probably read real well as a screenplay.  You've got a protagonist who's a well to do good looking lady executive, with a tragic past, and an even more tragic future.  Isn't that always the way though?  Anna Carter, (Kristine Blackport), is head of a richie rich charity board and gives out cash money to worthwhile causes, though you hear her talk about that more than you see her do it, mostly she just flies around the country and talks snotty to her boss.  Actually the flick could have done away with the majority of those scenes, because the real action is around her off the books job as a gun toting lady vengeance. She's the one woman taxi driver weather underground travelling around the country and raining bullets down on the scum to clean up the streets.  It starts off with a bang, she offs a child molester just been sprung from jail, then goes on from there unbottling her genie with the hand gun so to grant other bad folk a Charles Bronson Death Wish.  There's character development scenes around her relationship to her boss and her law clerking best friend, also some ooolala sexy time with a new guy trying to spark a romance, but whatever, because this one is all about the Dirty Harriet action.  Oh yeah, she has cancer in her brain and that's why she decides to do something mean with the rest of her life.

I have to admit I'm a little ashamed for enjoying this.  I like these vengeance flicks though, and I like them even better when it's a woman dealing out the vigilante justice.  It's not that great though, in truth I fast forwarded much of it. It's got some interesting camera work but all told it's not much of a much.  Made the most of a low budget though.  Good job there, James Seale.  I hope you get summat even more pulpier next go round.