Monday, April 02, 2012

Catch up.

I have been neglecting the upkeep of this movie blog and have accumulated 65 unpublished entries.

This is entirely too many. 

I will be gradually catching up, because I have some new movie channels and that means more movies will be coming down the pike.

Gotta watch them all!  Well no, that's crazy talk.  There's no way to watch 'em all and actually that sounds terrible.  There are way too many awful films out there, and most of them are not so bad it's good...most are just bland and boring.

Tedium is far more terrible than outrageously awful.

1 comment:

stefaneechi said...

Since I wrote this entry, I've published 2 more entries, but I've also seen 3 more movies. I'm gonna reverse that ratio though, GONNA CATCH UP!!!!