Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Shrink my troubles away

Yesterday I talked to a shrink. I had a list of things I'd written down, areas of diagnosis I wanted to explore - Asperger's ADHD, what other personality disorders I might slot into besides Bipolar.  My desire there was to figure out what would be the most effective, efficient form of therapy, but I got shut down. Especially around Aspergers. Dude said something like, "You present really well and follow conversational conventions." Yeah, but that's because I've learned coping strategies...

Whatever I guess, I got referrals for 3 different places. It's nuts that I got fast tracked since I was in the hospital, and I still waited more than a month to get this shrink appointment. And who knows how long I'll be waiting before these therapy things come online for me.  Triage in the medical system is leaving a whole lot of people out in the cold.

I googled shrink after. He has an abysmal score on Rate My MD. He was part of team responsible for discharging a man from hospital who killed himself shortly after

Sad business.  Joe noticed he perked up when I said I was willing to explore medication. I'm not hopeful I will like meds, but I'm gonna give them a chance. Only once I get the diabetes med that will conteract the higher blood sugars that the psych med is supposed to produce though.

I get so tired of trying to stay on top of all my medical shizz.  not enough spoons!!!

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