directed by Chan-Wook Park (2013)
I got to see this knowing only that it was directed by the same guy who did Oldboy, and that Nicole Kidman was in it. I saw the poster going in so I knew that Mia Wasikowska was in it too, but everything else was a surprise. I'd suggest you go into it knowing as little as possible, because I just watched the trailer, and even though it doesn't completely destroy the plot, it does give away a whole lot of key points. Besides, knowing NOTHING is by far the best way to see any movie anyhow. So go watch it before you read the rest of this, because I'm gonna spoil shit because I feels like it. Fair warning eh?
It's guilty of the usual crimes when it comes to movies and mental illness - the crazy folk are killers, and the killers are crazy, because they have cold moms who didn't love them right - well at least one of the killers has a mom who's a fucking cold hearted bitch - the dad was ok seems like.
But I dunno, sure was like he was doing a Dexter's dad kinda deal, teaching his daughter how to channel her kill crazy impulses by taking her out hunting where she could kill animals instead of harming people. I guess that's a compassionate thing though?
The dad's funeral is what starts the flick off, so the daughter doesn't have him dragging her out for that bird killing outlet anymore, and immediately her crazy uncle, (played so very well in a disquieting performance by Matthew Goode), is on the scene. And you know he's crazy from the get go. He is seriously the creepiest uncle ever. Uncle Fester was a sweetheart in disguise, but this guy is an all-American Psycho - all slick rich dude with the nice clothes, and a dead eyed psychopath smile - just gave me the heebie jeebies from the first scene. Psycho killer qu'est ce que - he even parlez vous francais!!
He kinda looks like the dude from Beverly Hills 90210 - the guy from Vancouver, Jason Priestly. Joe was saying that he should have been played by Tom Cruise, because watching Nicole Kidman and her ex square off? Damn rights people would have payed to see that! And yeah that's true, and yeah the guy kinda looks like Tom, but he looks like a lot of other actors too. He's got a clean cut, rich guy swagger, with mental edges, that any number of actors have pulled off. Anyhow, he did a great job, but so did Kidman, and especially Mia Wasikowska.
Alden Ehrenreich, from Beautiful Creatures who was doing his best Jack Nicholson, or maybe he was doing Christian Slater? He's got a small part playing a nice guy who turns into an asshole rapist - or does he? Because the unreliable omniscient narrator aspect of the film, while making things interesting, it wasn't good for coherent storytelling. I dunno if Mia's memories going back and forth in time, if that was stylistic bullshit, or if it created more tension through ambiguity, or if I'm just not getting something.
Anyhow, it sure seemed like the girl was a chip off her crazy uncle's gene block.
Ooo! I have to mention the music. There were 3 great uses of music. One was the final scene song - she kills the sheriff and talks about sailing off into the sunset to a creepy power grrrl rap kinda lyric,
The scene where Nicole Kidman is seducing her BIL to Lee Hazelwood's Summer Wine - this is heard again when Kidman is reminiscing on that conquest while listening to an iPod, and the daughter is maybe gonna kill her? "Sometimes you need to do something bad to stop you from doing something worse."
I found the piano duet scene excruciating. It was erotic and gross both. Squicky AND sexy, at the same time! Confusing!!! Urghmm?
I found a mixcloud that streamed the whole soundtrack - at least the musics by Clint Mansell, but it's not working anymore. Still, the musics be worthy eh?
It was a great movie, not moral or anything. Lurid as fuck actually. As I said right after, when asked what I thought, "If you're gonna make a movie about killers, you could do much worse." I liked it. Super tension, especially near the end.