Friday, February 03, 2012

The Iron Lady

directed by Phyllida Lloyd (2011)

I think this movie is propaganda of a sort.

It completely obfuscates the geo-political realities the Thatcher government operated within.  She was in service of the corporate agendas, and that fact is ignored in favour of a cult of personality exploration that emphasises her ascending to a position of power.  It humanises her while it demonises the reactions to the slashing of government programs.  The privatisation of the mining industry is presented like the labour unions were being UNFAIR, as if they were cheating somehow when they went on strike.  FU movie.  I don't agree with your framing techniques, nor your politics.

The whole Fawklands war fiasco is shown as a petty lark with few consequeces, except the ones the film chooses to highlight - that she got respect as The Iron Lady.  I'm sorry, but I don't think that was the general opinion at the time.  I'm pretty sure it was seen as audacious aggression.  Whatever though, because this is such a Tory love fest.

Walking out the theatre, I heard someone saying she's gonna win the Oscar and I think odds will favour her.  Her only real opposition will come from The Help.  Meryl should win though, she's just amazing in this.  A true tour de force performance.  She completely embodied the role.

Yeah, I called it. :)  Her Oscar acceptance speech was pretty sweet too.  She really is an amazing actress.

It's a good flick, just its politics is suspect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


"Don't go all wobbly on me now George" is a famous quotation from Margaret Thatcher, directed at George H Bush before the first gulf war.